Unsere Bausteine für eine hochwertige Schulzeitung
Du bist auf der Suche nach einer Redaktions-Software, mit der Du Deine schuleigene digitale Schulzeitung erstellen, pflegen und datenschutzkonform hosten kannst?
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Das digi.reporter Redaktions-System vereint die Bedürfnisse von Kindern, Eltern und Schule, denn es ist kinderleicht, datenschutz-konform, rechtssicher und pädagogisch wertvoll.
Du glaubst an eine Gemeinschaft, die sich gegenseitig stärkt, inspiriert und unterstützt?
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Als digi.reporter bist Du Teil der digi.reporter Community, die sich inspiriert, unterstütz, ermutigt und aushilft.
Du suchst Unterstützung bei der journalistischen Arbeit, d.h. bei inhaltlichen Fragen rund um Beiträge in der Schulzeitung?
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Als digi.reporter hast Du Zugang zu Hilfestellungen rund um das Thema Journalismus, d.h. hier findest Du z.B. Tipps zu Recherchemöglichkeiten, Beitragsformen, Themen, Schreibstile, Quellenangaben, Urheber-, Persönlichkeits- und Bildrechten.
First Kirby theme made as a plugin.
Yes, Zero One is a Kirby plugin! Why is this so great? Because you can overwrite any plugin file by copying it to your theme folder. Change it, extend it, and safely update Zero One to new versions without worry. Your changes will stay untouched. Like a WordPress child theme, but more powerful.
Theme for professionals.
With lightweight code, the Zero One is created with the minimal script, clean formatting, and descriptive commenting for easy and quick customization.
But the best of all, it is made to be easily maintainable, customizable, infinitely extendable, independent, modern but with respect to the legacy.
Detailed and technical documentation is a feature itself, as well as the professional support we provide.
Made by professionals.
We built this for ourselves, as a base for future projects, but after careful thinking decided to share it with you.
Zero One is loaded with advanced Styling workflow, many Site, Page, Custom Post Type options, powerful Page Builder, Multilingual, and RTL ready.
Top class coding. Inside and Out. No inline CSS and that kind of rubbish. Insanely optimized for speed and SEO, out of the box.
Pre-built websites.
Carefully hand-crafted demos to get you started.
We have a plan to create more pre-built demo websites.
So drop by from time to time to see what’s new. All pre-made websites will be available for download with the main demo.
Zero One Architecture.
Zero One Consulting.
Explore the rest of Zero One features.
We have split features into categories, but believe us, you’ll want to check them all.
You can also check out the list of notable features.
Developer features.
Zero One is created to be customized, extended, and scaled. With no restrains whatsoever. It is also a gold mine for Kirby beginners because it offers solutions for various common problems.
Learn moreContent editor features.
Custom made panels and options for every content type. Kirby Blocks Editor, Kirbytext, and Page Builder on just the right places to extend flexibility to maximum.
Learn moreSEO/SEM master features.
There’s no need for a plugin to manage and update your site’s SEO settings. From page titles to meta descriptions, URLs to Open Graph settings — optimize every page of your site.
Learn more